Monday, April 13, 2009

Zero Nothing or Everything?

Zero is by far the most fascinating and misunderstood mathematical concept ever unearthed. It is only now that we are beginning to appreciate the power of such a seemingly innocent number. Looking back throughout history reveals just how feared this abstract concept was to ancient civilizations. Zero was first invented by the Babylonians, as it proved to be not only practical when doing calculations, but necessary to the very framework of logic. The history of zero and its acceptance in the scientific community was anything but stable. Ancient Greece banned the number and Aristotle himself was so threaten by the idea that he strongly lectured against any notion of such a profane conjecture. Because early mathematics and religion were closely correlated, the Catholic Church deemed the concept blasphemous due to it threatening the church’s narrow understanding of God. Few people truly understand and appreciate the existence of zero and how it allows for everything that is and ever will be. Zero is such an exception to all mathematical logic that most people simply learn and accept its unique properties that overpower all other mathematics. For millennium, society had functioned perfectly fine without the use of zero. After all, we don’t need a number to express the lack of something. Most people can respond to the absence of matter by using expressions such as “I don’t have anything” or “There is nothing”. An early farmer would not say “I have zero sheep.” It is for these reasons that zero had been pushed under the rug of everyday thinking and was only brought into existence when conveniently needed for computational purposes. Next posts, I will talk about the unrivaled properties that sets zero apart from all other numbers.

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